Starting the Year With Intention

January 1, 2015


Intention is a powerful thing.

Starting with intention, whether a day, practice, goal, adventure, or experience, is all about setting the tone, getting clear on what you want to create, and energetically aligning yourself with that intention so that it’s easier to manifest. So on this first day of a brand new year, I want to set some intentions.

I intend to show up as truthfully as possible in all my interactions and experiences.

I intend to only connect deeply with people who further my expansion.

I intend to surrender more fully to the unknown, and to the flow of the Universe.

I intend to be more intentional in my spiritual practice and self reflection.

I intend to to create more alignment in my life and work, to live my purpose.

I intend to approach this year with a sense of play, curiosity, and exploration.

I intend to let go of any layers of myself that need to be released.

I intend to let grief and loss bring more love and meaning to my life, not less.

I intend to heal any parts of me that need healing in order to grow.

I intend to further my journey of living, eating, and being healthy and vibrant.

I intend to cross items off my 35 before 35 list, and my Colorado Bucket List.

I intend to partner with people who meet me fully, on all levels.

I intend to give back as much as I can to others.

I intend to become more financially sound, abundant, and free from debt.

I intend to travel, explore, experience, and indulge in all that life has to offer.

I intend to relax deeper into my feminine essence.

I intend to live more fully expressed and true to myself.

I intend to release any fears that hold me back from showing up fully.

I intend to stay open to whatever is coming.

I intend to more consistently and fully express myself and my creativity.

I intend to learn and grow and continually challenge myself.

I intend to expand massively this coming year.

What do you intend to create this year?
Photo Credit: Shandi-lee via Compfight cc

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